
Character Interview-Eben


***This character interview contains spoilers for the Neverland Chronicles, read at your own discretion.

1. “Where did you grow up?”

“I can’t believe you talked me into this. But if you must know, in Sheffield. My father, the wretched bastard, was a steelworker at the mills and we lived in the slums of the city because he spent what little money he did make on booze and gambling.”

“When was this?”


“What year? We all know that time moves differently in Neverland.”

“Funny, I can’t recall the year I was born, but I remember when I left that shit hole for good, it was the summer of 1935.”

2. “How did you end up in Neverland?”

“Now you’re asking me to give away all of my secrets.”

“You did agree to the interview.”

“Fuck… Gwen’s gonna owe me big time for this. But you have to promise that this doesn’t get back to Pan. Nothing pleases me more than watching him squirm because he can’t figure it out.”

“You have it on my authority it won’t get back to Peter.”

“The Romani.”

“The Romani?”

“It’s common knowledge that the Romani wield magic. Many of them are fae hiding in broad daylight. Traveling around, bartering in black magic and favors. The only luck I got from my father’s gambling was when he got in over his head with the Romani. I was offered a favor in return for helping them settle his debt, if you know what I mean.”

“And how old were you when you did this?”

“I can’t give you an exact age. I wasn’t yet a man, but my mind had been forced to grow up long before my body caught up.” 

3. “If you were still on Earth, what do you think your profession would be?”

“It’s cliché, but I’d probably be a mechanic or some sort of tradesman. The one thing that Neverland is missing are fast cars.”

“Who needs cars when you can fly?”

“There’s a difference. Something innately reckless about barreling down the road at an impossible speed.”

4. “What’s your favorite color?”

“I don’t have any particular color I’m partial to. How about I give you my least favorite color, will that suffice?”


“It’s green. I used to like it, but Pan has this obsession with it. Prancing around in every shade of green like he’s lord of the manor or something. It’s utterly intolerable now.”

5. “What’s your favorite food?”

What I want to say isn’t for polite society.

6. “Coffee or Tea?”

“Black tea, with cream. Why do I think that’s the last easy question I’ll get?”

“It wouldn’t be a good interview if I let you off too easy.”

7. “Who’s your favorite Lost Boy?”

“This one might surprise you. James.”

“He’s not a Lost Boy.”

“Ahh but he is. He was the first. Once a Lost Boy, always a Lost Boy.”

“Hmm… that is a surprise after you spent so long trying to convince Gwen that he was the worst kind of villain.”

“The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once said ,‘The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind.’ I’m not too proud to admit when I’m wrong.”

8. “And your least favorite Lost Boy?”

“Is that even a question?”

“Inquiring minds want to know.”

“I think inquiring minds already know that Pan and I aren’t going out of our way to be nice to each other. He’ll never really forgive me for allowing Gwen to be taken, and I can’t overlook the way he tried to take away her free will. But Gwen still loves him, so I guess he’s taught me a thing or two about tolerance.”

9. “What’s something you’re passionate about?”

“Gwen would say that I have an unhealthy obsession with weapons.”

“So is it a passion or an obsession?”

“She says it’s an obsession, but honestly… she likes how ‘passionate’ I can be with them.”

10. “Do you have a favorite sexual position?”

“With Gwen, they’re all my favorite. But if I had to choose, any position where my hands are wrapped around her pretty little neck.”

11. “How about a favorite kink?”

“Did I mention I like weapons?”

12. What was it about Gwen that you were initially attracted to and why?

“She reminded me of myself. Even though her life had been absolute shit, she didn’t shrivel into a shell of herself. She came to Neverland and wasn’t afraid to take what she wanted, like a random kiss in the rain with an asshole she just met. And that was the hottest fucking thing I’d ever seen.”

13. “Have you ever experienced heartbreak before?”

“Once. The moment I realized Gwen had left Neverland with James.”

“Because you thought she’d never come back?”

“The heartbreak wasn’t about Gwen.”


“No. The heartbreak was because I knew I’d have to leave Neverland behind. I would have followed her anywhere like a lost puppy until I made her mine, even if it meant returning to that shit hole of a realm I left behind. I was finalizing plans to leave when I came across her on the battle field.”

14. “Was there a reason why you hesitated getting close to Gwen in the beginning?

“It wasn’t Gwen, really. I was pissed at Pan for bringing his little obsession here, and like an arse, I took it out on her. I thought I was happy with my life, but I didn’t realize what I was missing. I was convinced she’d change everything. I guess I was right about that.”

“And what exactly were you missing?”

“Love. Until Gwen, I didn’t know what love was. Usually you first encounter love with your family, your parents. My mother died when I was born and my father blamed me for it. He never loved me.”

“What about the Lost Boys?”

“There is camaraderie, trust, and respect. But that’s as far as I could let it go. I didn’t know any different.”

“Gwen wasn’t the only woman you’ve ever been with. Weren’t there others that meant something to you?”

“Love and lust are two very different things.”

“Thank you, Eben, for taking the time to answer all of our prying questions. I know all of the fans will enjoy finding out more about you. Do you foresee any more stories to be written about you and Gwen?”

“I can’t say for certain, but a short story where I get to have Gwen all to myself and I don’t have to share her with the rest of her husbands sounds like a story I’d be very intrigued to hear.”

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  • Katie
    March 30, 2024 at 8:55 pm

    Love the weapons kink this is so Eben. He is definitely my favourite lost boy love his dark and brooding Nature!!!!

  • Paula
    March 30, 2024 at 9:12 pm

    I think we’d all love to read an Eben novella!!!

  • Brianna
    April 1, 2024 at 12:25 am

    I would love to read a novella starring only Gwen and Eben maybe with a weapons kink. That would be something worth reading!!!

  • Sharelle Robles
    April 7, 2024 at 8:54 pm

    Eben is my favorite! I’d love to read more about him

  • Christi Goodwin
    May 2, 2024 at 12:34 pm

    Love this idea of interviewing our boys! So fun and original! Thank you!

  • Morgan
    May 22, 2024 at 1:54 am

    Love me some eben!!! I hope you do choose to continue their story!


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